etween maintaining a full-time job and the chal- lenges of everyday life, it can be challenging to oe!ujnf!up!cf!qiztjdbmmz!bdujwf!boe!ublf!dbsf!pg!pvs! bodies, but thanks to a new work trend, being active and going to work aren't mutually exclusive. As of May 2021, nearly 46 percent of workplaces in the United States had some form of workplace health program that implemented physical activity into the workday. This has not only allowed employees to be physically healthier, but has shown results in work- place morale, increasing productivity and higher sfufoujpo!mfwfmt!pg!ijhi.rvbmjuz!fnqmpzfft/!Ifsf!bsf! some of the best ways that you can implement physi- cal activity in the workplace:
Physical Activity Breaks
Many companies are employing 'physical activity breaks,' where employees will break from work to do something physically active either on their own ps!xjui!puifs!fnqmpzfft/!Tdifevmjoh!bo!pgdf.xjef! time for employees to stop working and come togeth- fs!gps!qiztjdbm!bdujwjuz!jt!pof!pg!uif!nptu!fgdjfou! ways to implement this practice, but it can also be done individually and/or on the employee's own time. Please keep in mind that not all activities will be able to be performed by all individuals and these sessions should be encouraged and never forced. Physical ac- tivity breaks are often mild and consist of exercises that can be done with limited space or even while sit- ting at your desk. These activities include: ! Walking in Place ! Stretching ! Side Steps
Building Better Workspaces
through Exercise
By Natalie Rodgers
! Desk Yoga ! Chair Aerobics ! Tai Chi
Walking Meetings
During workshops and meetings integrate walking breaks into sessions by having people group in twos or threes to walk around the room (or even outdoors!) for small group discussions. When organizing work- shops and conferences, employers may encourage qbsujdjqbout!up!esftt!uoftt!dbtvbm!gps!npwfnfou! during the day. They may also give permission to attendees at the beginning of the meeting to stand, stretch or "pace" the room. If your meeting group is small enough, you can even try holding the entire meeting while walking. This is usually best for pairs or small groups and can be especially effective for brainstorming type ses- sions and even pitch meetings.
Group Outings
Group outings, team bonding events and even companywide parties are important for connecting your team and fostering productivity in the work- place, but they can also be a great opportounity to encourage physical activity. This doesn't necessarily mean that your company needs to run a marathon to- gether or learn how to rock climb, but there are many activities that can be done and enjoyed by a wide ar- ray of people. Simple, yet fun activities can include: ! Dpnqboz!Cjlf!Sjeft ! A Group Yoga Class ! Department vs. Department Baseball Game ! Field Days at the Park ! Spmmfs!Tlbujoh!ps!Jdf!Tlbujoh! ! Obuvsf!Xbmlt!ps!Fbtz!Ijlft! Sfnfncfs!up!lffq!uif!joufsftut-!bcjmjujft!boe!tbgf- ty precautions of all of your employees as a priority before picking an event. If there are too many con- jdujoh!joufsftut!boe!offet-!usz!dibohjoh!uif!mpdbujpo! of your team event to somewhere that can accommo- date physical and nonphysical activity. For example, jotufbe!pg!ipmejoh!zpvs!pgdf!qbsuz!jo!uif!pgdf-!usz! celebrating at a local park where there are opportuni- ties for physical activity, at a place that can be enjoy- able for everyone.
Encourage Exercise Outside of Work
If you're able to, there are some great incentives to encourage your employees to stay active and healthy. Providing designated facilities or spaces for fyfsdjtf-!tfuujoh!vq!pgdf.xjef!xbmljoh!dpnqfujujpot! and teaming up with local gyms to provide discounts to your employees, are just some of the incentives to help foster a healthy team. Some employers even go as far as to donate money, join city committees and attend community meetings surrounding projects for better walking trails, parks and opportunities for physical activity. Most importantly, implementing physical activity is supposed to be encouraging and not stressful. Take zpvs!ufbnt!joufsftut!joup!dpotjefsbujpo!boe!oe!xibu! will work best for your company. It will not only be best for your team's physical health, but their overall productivity levels, mood, morale and mental health.
Source: CDC, Workplace Wellness Online
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